Healthy meal prep

Breakfast and Pre-game Meal Ideas for Game Day

The diet an athlete consumes can make a world of difference in terms of performance on game day. It’s important that athletes get the right breakfast to fuel themselves before the game. Here’s what the benefits of a healthy breakfast are:

Benefits of a good breakfast:

A properly-fed body performs better and trains harder, resulting in more robust results such as increased endurance, strength, speed, and power. When it comes to game day nutrition, the objective is to provide the body with the food and energy it requires to perform at its best.

What are some breakfast options to consider?

It’s crucial that you, as an athlete, eat light and energize yourself prior to physical exercise. Breakfast is a chance to get the game day off to a good start. A great breakfast may contain the following:

  • Cereal made with whole grains, low-fat milk, and chopped strawberries
  • Greek yogurt topped with blueberries and granola
  • Eggs, toasted bread with peanut butter on whole wheat, and a fruit smoothie
  • Oatmeal with almond slices and banana slices

Suggestions for pre-game meals:

Athletes should have a balanced meal of carbs, protein, fruit, and veggies around 2-3 hours prior to game time. To keep hydrated, drink 12-24 ounces of water with the meal.

Pre-game meals may include the following:

  • Sandwiches with whole wheat chicken and veggies
  • Salmon, brown rice, and roasted veggies
  • Wrapped in whole wheat turkey, veggies, and hummus
  • Sauced whole wheat pasta, grilled chicken, and veggies

Get your nutrition in, and you’ll be well on your way to success on the field or court!