American football players practicing tackling on a sports field

Equipment Advances: Football Pads and Helmets

American Football has seen many advancements over the years, both in terms of the rules and equipment. The latter, especially, has seen tremendous growth since the early days of leather pads and basic helmets.

Today, football pads and helmets play a crucial role in not just protecting players from high-impact injuries, but also saving lives. Here’s how the equipment has evolved over the years:

The evolution of safety equipment in American Football:

As football grew in popularity and players became more athletic, there were plenty of steps that had to be taken to improve safety:

  • In the 1920s, the first leather pads and hardened helmets were introduced
  • The 1930s saw facemasks and foam pads added
  • In the 1950s, helmets included padded plastic. The same was introduced to pads in the 1970s.
  • 1975 saw the “birdcage” facemasks introduced on the helmets, which were then upgraded to face shields in the year 1998.

Safety advances in the modern game:

Today, the bulky shoulder pads have better ventilation and are made of lightweight matter like carbon fiber. This allows athletes to remain agile while carrying less weight on their shoulders. Helmets have also seen significant improvements, with better padding that ensures players are less at risk from concussions and other head-related injuries.

These advances in safety equipment have ensured that the game remains relevant while players don’t suffer from as many long-term injuries.