Tennis player quietly meditates

Keep Breathing: How Breath Control can Help Calm Your Nerves

Stress, gameday tension and uneasiness are all part of the game, and it’s up to coaches and athletes to talk honestly about the best ways to work with these feelings.

One of the best ways to do that is by learning and understanding the importance of breath control. Here is some useful information about breath control and calming your nerves:

Breathing and stress in sports:

Breathing’s fundamental function is to take oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide via the lungs’ action. The diaphragm (a strip of muscle beneath the lungs) and the muscles that are present between the ribs are the ones that control lung movement.

A person’s breathing rhythm changes when they are stressed. This happens often during pressure situations in sports, and learning to control it can help enhance performance.

Methods to regulate breath:

Counting method: It’s simple to practice stomach breathing and it’s quite calming. If you need to unwind or reduce stress, try this simple technique: 

  • Lie or sit flat in a comfortable position and place one hand just below the ribs and the other on the chest
  • Breathe through the nose for 4 seconds and push the hand out with the belly and this shouldn’t move the chest for 3.
  • Exhale via pursed lips as if you’re whistling and let your hand on the tummy go in and push the air out at the same time
  • Do this 3-10 times every day.

Meditation: You can also cut all communications for 20 minutes every day and just meditate. Close your eyes, focus on one point and breathe in and out in a relaxed manner.

Try these two techniques before a game, and you’ll find yourself feeling calmer during high-pressure match situations.