Volleyball team joining hands before practice

Volleyball: Wall Practice for Serving, Hitting, and Setting

Wall drills are a useful way to train your volleyball skills alone or in a group. Although practicing alongside your teammates is beneficial, the best athletes also practice alone. Even if you don’t have a partner to practice with, these three volleyball wall workouts will help you improve your skills anywhere with a high wall.

Here are some wall practice methods for you to try out:

  • Serving drills:

Mark the standard height of the volleyball net on the wall. Drill your serve from around a half-court distance (30 feet) from the wall.  Make sure you’re striking the ball over the net mark when practicing your serve. You can utilize this drill to strengthen your underhand or jump serve.

  • Hitting Practice:

Stay at a 10-feet distance from the wall to ensure that this drill is successful. Practice hitting by tossing the volleyball high in the air. Make sure your wrists are snapping as you do so. Some players like to practice catching the ball after it has been returned to improve their response time.

  • Setting for Practice:

To practice setup, hurl the volleyball around 10 feet away from the wall into the air. Place your feet in the proper positions, and then place the ball against a wall. You have the option of setting the ball one more time as it rebounds from the wall or catching and re-tossing the ball. This drill is done correctly if you place the ball higher and it travels in an arc trajectory.

Keep practicing with these techniques until you’re able to get them right. You’ll soon notice the difference it makes to your real-life game too!